Exam and Study


Get the most out of the time leading up to your exam. Studying and preparing are important, and there are lots of resources to help you. 

Note: the information and resources on this page are intended as a guide only. SkilledTradesBC does not accept responsibility for the quality or accuracy of the content.

Study Support and Resources for Writing Exams

The Red Seal website is a great place to start. 

Check out the exam breakdowns, practice questions, or National Occupational Analysis (NOA) section for your trade.  

These training courses will help refresh your knowledge and skills. 

In one of the Skilled Trades Certification trades? View all available IP Exam Refreshers on this page

Public Training Providers  


Non-Public Training Providers  


Online Upgrading Courses  


BCIT, Automotive Service Technician  

These videos provide guidance on how to prepare for your exam, where to find resources, study strategies to make the most of your time, and more. 



SkilledTradesBC can offer accommodations, based on your needs, to help you complete exams.

What to Expect on Exam Day

There are several ways to ensure you’re prepared and know what to expect before exam day.