woman hairdresser



If you are a certified tradesperson in another province, can you work in B.C.? 

If you hold a Certificate of Qualification from a trade board in Canada, SkilledTradesBC will recognize it. You will not have to re-certify or get a re-issued certificate. 

For certain trades, you will need to contact the local safety authority as they have additional licenses and requirements to work within B.C.  


Mutual Recognition of Qualifications 

SkilledTradesBC recognizes certificates issued by jurisdictional authorities in other Canadian provinces or territories. These authorities also recognize B.C. certificates. Recognition applies to individuals who are certified and in good standing in their trade with the appropriate provincial or territorial authority. These individuals have the same rights and obligations to practice the same occupation in all Canadian provinces and territories without significant additional training, experience, examinations or assessment of qualifications and without meeting a residency requirement. 


Rules for Mutual Recognition 

  • Mutual recognition only applies if you have your full certification or license. 

  • Trades/occupations must be the same or very similar in both jurisdictions. 

  • You must meet provincial or territorial Occupational Health and Safety requirements for your trade, which may require you to complete short courses or minor training specific to the jurisdiction. 

  • Regulated trades such as Electrician, Crane Operator, Security Alarm Installer, funeral trades and others may also require special licenses. (See Regulated Trades sections below.) 

Trades Available in Other Jurisdictions

The following is a list of trades that are not offered in British Columbia but are available in the nearby provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. This list is part of British Columbia’s commitment to the New West Partnership agreement to support greater mobility for apprentices. To learn more, please click on the links below. 

Click on an overview of each trade below, or click here to apply 

For additional information on how to participate in one of these programs not offered in B.C., please contact Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training.

Click on an overview of each trade below, or click here to apply

For additional information on how to participate in one of these programs, please contact the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission. 

Different Trade Names Across Jurisdictions 

Some trades go by different names across the country. It’s a good idea to check and compare the B.C. trade name with that of the issuing jurisdiction (if you’re coming to work in B.C. from elsewhere) or destination jurisdiction (if you’re going to work in another Canadian jurisdiction). 


Regulated Trades in other Provinces and Territories 

Restrictions on the practice of trades occupations vary by province and territory, so it’s best to contact the relevant jurisdictional authority to determine their requirements. 


Regulated Trades in B.C. 

There are two types of skilled trades in B.C.: regulated and non-regulated trades. A number of trades are regulated in B.C. for consumer protection and to ensure public health and safety. This means to perform work in these occupations you must be a registered apprentice with SkilledTradesBC or hold a certificate of qualification, and/or be licensed by the regulatory body for that trade. Although SkilledTradesBC sets standards and grants certificates for the skilled trades, there are other regulatory bodies in B.C. that control licensing and determine who can legally work in the trade. 

Examples of regulated trades in B.C. include, but are not limited to: 


Regulatory Body 

Auto Glass 



Technical Safety BC 

Crane Operator 

WorkSafe BC 

Funeral Director 

Embalmer Business Practices - Consumer Protection Authority of BC 

Security Alarm Installer 

Ministry of Justice Policing and Security Programs 


Apprentice Mobility 

If you are an apprentice looking for information on mobility between provinces, view our Apprentice Mobility page.